Alitherm Heritage 47 Aluminium Windows | Mercury Glazing

Alitherm Heritage 47 Aluminium Windows

Alitherm Heritage 47 Aluminium Windows deliver energy-efficient technology to your project without compromising on the aesthetics of your original windows. Engineered specifically to replace existing steel and Crittall windows, our Heritage aluminium windows offer a durable and visually appealing refurbishment solution.

Resilient to the elements, our Heritage 47 windows are engineered from high-quality aluminium. We utilise innovative polyamide thermal break technology and modern glazing to fully insulate your project and provide optimal heating efficiency.

What are Alitherm Heritage 47 Aluminium Windows?

Alitherm Heritage 47 aluminium windows are an effective modern solution for heritage and listed buildings, as well as refurbishment projects – particularly when planning constraints are to be considered (eg. a requirement for old steel windows to be replaced).

It can be difficult to part with the character and aesthetics that steel windows deliver to a property. Our range of heritage aluminium windows combine those visual aesthetics with the benefits of modern technology.

Pairing modern thermal performance with similar aesthetics to your original steel windows, the Alitherm Heritage range is suitable for both commercial and residential projects.

How will Heritage 47  Windows enhance my property?

How will Heritage 47 Windows enhance my property?

While preserving Britain’s period properties is absolutely crucial in celebrating our history, many older properties in the UK are crying out for improved insulation and security.

Alitherm Heritage 47 Aluminium Windows showcase an innovative window system designed to comply with the revisions to Building Regulations, they can also enhance your home by improving both energy efficiency and security. Our heritage 47 windows are suitable for installation in listed buildings and conservation areas, as well as new builds in both domestic and commercial projects.

  • Options in Heritage and Art Deco styles
  • Polyamide thermal break provides enhanced thermal performance
  • A more comfortable home through quality insulation
  • Minimal maintenance with enhanced security
  • An aesthetically pleasing appearance that complements the traditional style of your heritage home, our range of Heritage aluminium windows is ideal when replacing older steel and Crittall windows.
  • Large range of RAL colours to choose from, such as metallic and dual colour profiles, as well as Smart Sensations and Alchemy Textured colour ranges available
  • Tilt and turn, fixed and casement window options available
EPC Rating

Will my Heritage 47 Windows be energy efficient?

Alitherm Heritage 47 Windows are a direct replacement for steel and Crittall windows, and with the proper seals they can earn your home a B on the Window Energy Scale. The Alitherm range also features an extended polyamide thermal break which enhances the energy efficiency of your home – saving you money on of costly utility bills.

Heritage 47 Aluminium Windows at Mercury

Mercury is the UK’s leading specialist fabricator of durable aluminium windows and doors. We pride ourselves on efficiency, high-quality service, and attention to detail. Delivering the best to our customers is at the heart of everything we do – it is the Mercury difference!

If you have any questions or would like any further information about the work we do, please do get in touch.

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Our Aluminium Windows

Our range of resilient windows engineered from durable aluminium are suited to both commercial and residential projects. We offer a range of different styles to suit your taste.

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Alitherm 300 Aluminium Windows

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Alitherm Heritage 47 Aluminium Windows

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