Alitherm 400 Aluminium Windows | Mercury Glazing

Alitherm 400 Aluminium Windows

Suitable for both commercial and residential projects, Alitherm 400 Aluminium windows combine modern energy-efficient technology with the elegant and understated style of a traditional casement window.

With a variety of different styles and colours available, Mercury Glazing’s bespoke Alitherm aluminium windows are an alternative to traditional timber windows.

What are Alitherm 400 Aluminium Windows?

Our Alitherm 400 casement windows are carefully engineered from durable aluminium, combining modern technology with a more classic aesthetic.

A casement frame is engineered to rest on your choice of vertical or horizontal hinges, depending on your project specifications and personal taste. Although sash windows have traditionally been the more popular option, the wider visa created by an open casement window allows for better airflow and improved ventilation.

What are the benefits of Alitherm 400 Aluminium Windows?

What are the benefits of Alitherm 400 Aluminium Windows?

When combined with the correct seal, Smart Alitherm 400 aluminium windows have excellent energy-saving and thermal capabilities. Their advanced technology provides a barrier between cold outside temperatures and the warmer conditions inside, thus helping to keep you warm and comfortable during cold spells. Additionally, by keeping cold air out and helping you maintain your ideal room temperatures, Smart Alitherm aluminium windows can help to reduce your energy costs by reducing your reliance on your home heating. 

Our Alitherm casement windows are also Engineered with premium security technology, so they can provide superior protection from intruders as well as the elements.

Our Alitherm casement windows are available in a variety of different colours, and you will have a choice between an inward or outward opening design. Traditionally, casement windows open inwards, but more modern properties have seen outwards projection become increasingly popular.

  • Choice of internally or externally beaded
  • Side or top hung, open out windows available
  • Elegant aesthetics for contemporary styling
  • Innovative polyamide thermal break technology to enhance thermal performance 
  • Window Energy Rating A with the correct seal
  • Designed to meet the exacting requirements of Document L 2010
  • PAS 24:2016 Approved
  • Available in a choice of standard and non-standard colours including metallic, dual colour, Smart’s Sensations textured and Alchemy anodised effect finished
EPC Rating

Will my Smart Alitherm 400 Aluminium Windows be energy efficient?

Smart Alitherm 400 Aluminium Windows utilise innovations to deliver fantastic polyamide thermal break technology, enhancing the U value and earning an A rating on the Window Energy Rating with a U value of 1.4W/m²K. When correctly maintained our aluminium Alitherm windows can provide a long-term insulation solution for your property and save you the hassle of costly energy bills.

Alitherm 400 Aluminium Windows at Mercury

Mercury is the UK’s leading specialist fabricator of durable and practical aluminium windows and doors. At the forefront of everything we do, we pride ourselves on efficiency, high-quality service, attention to detail, and building long-term partnerships with our customers and clients. It is the Mercury difference!

If you have any questions or would like any further information about the work we do, please do get in touch.

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Our Aluminium Windows

Our range of resilient windows engineered from durable aluminium are suited to both commercial and residential projects. We offer a range of different styles to suit your taste.

Alitherm 400 aluminium window 2

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